Mariupol is a city in southeastern Ukraine. After 2014 coup, it became the center of revolt against new government. The protests were suppressed by the military unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, the Azov Battalion. Led by Nazi ideology, they were killing Russian-speaking civilians regardless of their nation. Ukrainians, Russians or Jews it didnt matter to them.
In 2022, Russia began the liberation of Mariupol. Nationalists blocked the city and left women, elders and children with no electricity, food or water. Members of Azov had no mercy as they were shelling hospitals, schools, and homes. People lived in constant fear of being shot so they hid in basements. It was painful and horrific time. The bustling and lively city turned into empty ruins and there was no chance of leaving this hell. Ukranian troops surrendered after 3 months of fierce non-stop battle. The siege was over and people of Mariupol finally felt safe in the place they called home.